6 Things A Funeral Director Can Do For You After The Death Of A Loved One

One of the most difficult times any one has to contend with is the passing of a loved one. You have to mourn and at the same time come to terms with the sudden loss. In the midst of all that, a funeral director plays the crucial role of organising all the aspects of the funeral activities. This not only relieves you of the duties, it ensures you have adequate time to mourn.

A Quick Checklist for Preplanning Your Own Funeral Services

Preplanning your own funeral services can ensure that your wishes are followed and that your family doesn't need to worry about the planning after you've passed away. Paying for a funeral in advance can also help you to spend down your assets, if you need to do this to qualify for certain government aid. When you're ready to preplan your own funeral, note a quick checklist of things to include and consider with a funeral director from a service like Chapel of the Holy Family.

How to Make the Most of a Memorial Video Tribute

Using video tributes to honour a lost loved one has become a popular feature of funerals in recent years. It serves as a chance to tell a person's life story in an intimate and unforgettable way. Using the following tips, you can ensure that your loved one's tribute video is the best it can be. Ask plenty of questions If you're aiming to capture the true essence of a loved one through images, you're not going to do them justice by making do with the photos in your possession.

How to Have a Greener Funeral

Eco-funerals are currently a hot topic among the environmentally aware in society. Opting for a greener send-off to the next life doesn't mean cheap and nasty; the arrangements can be just as respectful to the deceased as a traditional funeral. Here are some ideas to help you plan a greener final journey. Biodegradable coffins These days, people are much more aware of the impact of unregulated or illegal logging, and the devastating effect it can have on what remains of the earth's rainforests.

Top Tips for Hosting a Modern Wake

Once a traditional Irish ceremony designed to watch over the body and prepare the deceased for burial, the wake is witnessing a modern non-secular revival. If you are planning on hosting a wake to celebrate the life of a dearly departed friend or family member, consider some of the tips below to guide you during this difficult time of grief. Location Traditionally held in the home of the deceased, a modern wake is best held in a home environment.