6 Things A Funeral Director Can Do For You After The Death Of A Loved One

One of the most difficult times any one has to contend with is the passing of a loved one. You have to mourn and at the same time come to terms with the sudden loss. In the midst of all that, a funeral director plays the crucial role of organising all the aspects of the funeral activities. This not only relieves you of the duties, it ensures you have adequate time to mourn.

In all, a funeral director can handle the following processes for you:

Relocation to the funeral home

Once you have been alerted of the death, it is important that you engage a funeral director as soon as possible. With the authority to act on your behalf, they will see that the deceased's body is removed from the hospital or government facility and placed in the funeral home. This way, the body will be in a facility of your choosing where the best care possible can be administered.

Embalming & dressing

After being placed in the funeral home, the funeral director will oversee the embalming process. They will advise you on what needs to be done depending on the condition of the deceased. Once done, the body will be prepared for viewing through cleaning, dressing and beautification. The funeral director will liaise with you to decide the best outfit and presentation for the deceased.

Organizing viewing & wakes

A funeral director will also actively organize viewing and wakes for the deceased. Considering you cannot be present at the funeral home all the time, the funeral director will be more conveniently placed to do so round the clock. In the process, they will arrange other matters such as what music to be played and what flowers to be placed in the viewing room.

Handling legal requirements

As the funeral arrangements progress, the funeral director will ensure that all the legal paperwork required is attended to. This involves applying for death certificates and seeking burial permits. They will also notify any other next of kin or legal representatives of the deceased.

Organising the funeral service

The focal point of the funeral director's duties is organising the funeral itself. Here, he or she will organise the chapel to be used, hearse transport for the body, burial/cremation sites, as well as any notifications that need to be placed in the local media. They will also coordinate the funeral service, whether religious or non-religious.

Memorial tributes

Last but not least, your funeral director can help you create a memorial tribute for the deceased. This will help preserve their memory in a way that they would have wanted. This may include placing memorial articles in the newspapers, creating a memorial website, hosting a memorial event, etc.

A funeral director therefore plays a focal role in helping you arrange the last farewell to loved ones, coordinating all the processes and ensuring nothing is overlooked. Consult with a director from a funeral home like Lee Adam Funeral Services if you have specific questions about the funeral planning process.
